Bubblegum Game - Grammar Police card game
$15.00 SGD
We know what you’re thinking: a grammar game is your idea of hell. Well, guess what… it’s some people’s idea of heaven. That’s why we’ve made it a team game.
Wouldn’t you just love to wipe the smug grin off your mate’s face by correcting this… “Haircuts and shaving your nuts not to come in!! Fully air conditioned experienced barbers” Be careful, though, as the English language is a cruel mistress. And you will experience epic levels of frustration if (probably when) you get it wrong.
Because you lose points for every incorrect answer. For a more detailed look into how to play this highly educational grammar game, check out our tutorial on the left side of the page. Oh, and one more thing.
When we say this game’s educational, we mean that you might learn something. Like, what a nit-picking grammar Nazi your nan is, for example. Just watch out, is all we’re saying.
The team game for smug grammar Nazis
Key Features - A card game about common grammar mistakes
- Study the text and correct the errors
- As educational games go, it’s pretty “comma-cal”!
- It’s your chance to become a real life grammar police meme
- The definitive English grammar game for geeks
Players: 2+
Ages: 8+
Contents: 56 cards